Carburizer used in petroleum coke

Date:2020-01-10 Browse:2
Core tips:There are many materials that can be used as foundry carbonizers. Commonly used are artificial graphite, calcined petrol

There are many materials that can be used as foundry carbonizers. Commonly used are artificial graphite, calcined petroleum coke, natural graphite, coke, anthracite, and mixtures made of such materials. Among the various recarburizers, the best quality is artificial graphite such as graphitized petroleum coke.
1.主要原料生产人工graphite is powdered high-quality calcined petroleum coke
Add bitumen as a binder and a small amount of other auxiliary materials. After the various raw materials are mixed, they are processed in a non-oxidizing atmosphere at 2500-3000 ° C to make them graphitized, which is called graphitized petroleum coke. After high temperature treatment, the ash, sulfur, and gas contents have all been greatly reduced. Compared with traditional pig iron:
1) This product has no residue during use and high utilization rate;
2) It is easy to use and save the production cost of the enterprise;
3) The content of phosphorus and sulfur is much lower than that in pig iron, and the performance is stable;
4) The use of graphitized recarburizer can greatly reduce the production cost of castings.
Second, the nodular cast iron industry.
Medium-frequency furnaces from half ton to 12 tons. The furnace temperature is controlled at about 1500 degrees. The absorption rate can reach up to 93%. Particle size: columnar graphite recarburizer, commonly used particle size: 1-10mm or according to customer's special requirements. Suggested use method: After placing one third of the charge on the bottom of the electric furnace, place the calculated product on the charge, and then place the remaining charge on it as required. Carbon agent to prevent floating to affect the absorption rate. Punch method is not recommended, it will reduce the absorption rate of this product. In addition, do not slag the carburizer when it melts, otherwise it will be easily wrapped in waste residue and affect the carbon absorption.
Third, the electrode is broken, also known as electrode turning or graphite powder.
It is made by turning large powders through large graphitized electrodes. Its chemical stability is the same as graphitized electrodes. It is also a kind of graphitized carburizing agent. At present, because the source of electrode crush is limited, the price is high and the market share is relatively low.
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