The effects of hydrotherapy on the human system

Date:2020-03-24 Browse:2
Core tips:1 Effects on the skinThe skin is the first organ to receive stimulation in hydrotherapy. In terms of physiological struc
1 Effects on the skin
皮肤是第一个器官获得刺激in hydrotherapy. In terms of physiological structure, the skin has a lot of shrinkage of blood vessels, which will have a great impact on the distribution of blood in the body. The skin is also distributed with a large number of spinal nerves and nerve endings of the autonomic nervous system.
2 Effects on the cardiovascular system
The effect of hydrotherapy on the cardiovascular system depends on the temperature of the water and the duration of action, that is, its stimulus intensity. In a 37-39 ° C water bath, the surrounding blood vessels dilate, the pulse rate increases, and blood pressure decreases, resulting in redistribution of blood in the body. This redistribution has therapeutic effects.
Certain significance.
3 Effects on the respiratory system
The effect of hydrotherapy on the number and depth of breaths is through neurological emission, instant cold stimulus deepens breathing, and even short-term apnea and deep breathing. The lower the temperature, the more sudden the stimulus, and the faster and more acute the cessation of breathing, followed by , From a series of deep breathing exercises, to a faster and deeper breathing rhythm. When exposed to thermal stimulation, the situation you see is the same as that of cold stimulation, but it is not very sharp, and the breathing rhythm becomes faster and more obvious.
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