Manufacturers of custom-made plastic packaging bags remind users that when we buy plastic bags, we must pay attention to whether the products are toxic. In particular, we should pay attention to avoid packaging bags used for food packaging. Today we come to understand the identification method.
首先,通过闻味道,令人恼火的一个d disgusting plastic bags are mostly toxic, or they may be excessive plasticizers or other additives, and the quality is poor; second, listen to the sound , When shaking the plastic bag hard by hand, the sound is very clear. The non-toxic plastic bag is very clear, and the sound is boring or there is no sound, it is the toxic packaging; there is also a touch that can be judged by touching The surface of the plastic bag is very smooth and non-toxic. If the color is hazy and sticky and astringent, it is toxic.
The last method is to put the plastic bag in the water and press it to the bottom with your hand. Wait a moment. The non-toxic plastic bag is the one that appears on the surface, and the toxic product is the one that sinks under the water. You are helpful.